
Sonic the Hedgehog: Reign of Chaos Part 1

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(This is the sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog: The Mecha Sally Epilogue; the following contains, blood, violence, minor suggestive material, and swearing; this is a collaboration by me and Vorahk295, a.k.a. Dan Gleeson; Sonic and related characters belong to SEGA, Sonic Team, DiC, Archie Comics, Fleetway, and Ken Penders; any fan characters belong to either me or Vorahk295; we do not wish to make a profit off of this)

(Soundtrack: “His World”- Crush 40)

It has been a month since the destruction of the Death Egg Mark 2, and Naugus's imprisonment in the Void. The Republic of Acorn has enjoyed a month of peace, and there has been no report of any activity in Eggman's controlled territories. Some take it as a sign that Eggman has been defeated for good. The old Council of Acorn has been disbanded, and replaced with a new one. Sir Charles Hedgehog has become the new Minister of Science, Rotor has returned to the Freedom Fighters, Penelope and Dylan have decided to form their own Freedom Fighter group, Isabella has become the owner of her own music shop, Rosemary has enlisted into the Special Forces, Elias has regained his status as king, and Hamlin is trying desperately to make a living by selling lemonade. Geoffrey St. John, formerly Naugus's apprentice, was granted amnesty and became commander of the newly reformed Acorn Royal Secret Service, with Hershey, long thought dead, as his second-in-command. In addition, Fiona Fox has returned to the Knothole Freedom Fighters, followed by Nic the Weasel, Lightning Lynx, Bean the Dynamite, and Bark the Polar Bear. Their induction was not easy, but eventually, they were welcomed. Also, many of the Echidnas have moved from Albion back to Angel Island, where they began the reconstruction of Echidnaopolis, with the assistance of the Chameleons of Rainbow Valley, the Crocodiles of Boggy Swamp, the Fire Ant Colonies, the recently formed New Golden Hive, Mobian refugees who escaped from Eggman's forces, and even the Dingo Regime. A few secret Echidna factions were even found, and agreed to help rebuild the Republic of Angel Island and Albion. All in all, everything is good for Planet Mobius. However, Even with Naugus and Eggman incapacitated, there is still danger.

In a hidden facility on Mount Nautilus in Downunda...

Dr. Finitevus, a former Albionite scientist, stands in a large chamber, pondering past events. It had been a month since the Destructix left him. He was shocked when they told him they would no longer work for him. He had aloud them to leave, content with seeing them destroyed later. However, that didn't mean he wasn't annoyed. He had given them the task of freeing Scourge from the No Zone and bringing him back to Mobius Prime, so he could assist him in an important mission. However, he was disappointed when he heard that Scourge decided to try and conquer his home dimension again and was captured for his troubles. To make matters worse, Fiona Fox had quit the Destructix and decided to go back to the Freedom Fighters, according to his former mercenaries. Since then, Finitevus decided to fulfill his task by himself. His former assistants' task was to enter the Otherworld, where all the souls of the deceased reside, and retrieve two very important individuals. However, rather than enter the Otherworld himself, he decided to use a more pragmatic solution: the Scepter of Anubis, an artifact said to resurrect the dead. And so, he used the scepter's powers to summon his targets. One of them is already in his custody, but the other had flown out of his lab to parts unknown.

Finitevus sighs.

Finitevus: This is simply too vast a task for a single person...

He ponders as to what assistance he could acquire, but his reputation was a turn-off for most. He then gets an idea. There were three anarchistic factions, the Bloode Gang, the Steel Hearts, and the Black-Heart Cartel. These criminal organizations have endlessly caused much chaos for Mobius. Perhaps he could persuade them to help him. In addition, there were those five bodies he found. Perhaps he could use the Scepter of Anubis to resurrect them. Then, of course, he could also recover Scourge, and he had Thrash as well.

He turns to his left, and facing five green pods. The first contained a male Mobian Lion. He was clad in a brown suit, blue and gray armor, blue boots, and had white hair and a beard. The second contained a female Mobian Spider. She wore the black ninja suit of the  Gossamer Clan. The third contained a male Mobian Cat. He had black fur and wore a brown tunic, blue cape, brown gloves, and brown boots. The fourth contained a female Mobian Rabbit. She had orange fur and white hair. She wore a blue form-fitting dress, a purple cloak, white wrist bands, and blue high-heel shoes. The fifth and final pod contained a male Overlander. He had black hair and a beard and moustache. He wore a tattered red Eggman Empire Agent uniform with black boots and gloves.

Finitevus: (Grins) Let's try it!

He raises the scepter, and five beams of light strike the pods, the occupants inside writing. The beams fade, and the occupants stop writhing. The rabbit is the first to stir.

Lana the Enchantress: Mmmm... Where... where am I?

Finitevus: Excellent question, my dear. I found it when I was looking for a base. It seems to be an ancient Echidna military outpost belonging to the Nocturnus Clan. Consider it your new home.

Lana: Who... Who are you?

Finitevus: I am Doctor Finitevus. I am the one who resurrected you.

Lana: Resurrected? You mean...

Finitevus: Yes. A year ago, you and your lover, Black Death, were slain by a paladin named Sir Connery. However, using the Scepter of Anubis, I was able to bring you back two back to life, along with three others.

Lana: For what purpose?

Finitevus: I'm playing that close to the chest for now... And while I would promise you revenge, Connery himself is dead.

Lana: Oh really? How?

Finitevus: A silly heroic sacrifice against Mammoth Mogul.

Lana: I see.

Soon, the others awake.

Black Death: Where am I?

Lana: Black Death? Is that you?

Black Death: Lana. Are you alright?

Lana: Yes, I think so.

Kodos: What is this place?!

He turns to see Finitevus.

Kodos: Where am I? I demand you to release me immediately!

Finitevus: All in due time.

Kodos: You arrogant... wait? Are you an Echidna?

Finitevus: No, I'm a starfish. Of course I'm an echidna, you fool!

Kodos: Watch your tongue, cretin. Do you not know who I am?

Finitevus: Well, that's no way to talk to the one who brought you back from the dead.

Kodos: Dead? But... what about the war?

Finitevus: You mean the war against Robotnik? Let's just say he has been... incapacitated. It's rather complicated actually, but the Freedom Fighters won.

Kodos: Hmph. To think that Overlander would be the one to end the Great War. He was worthless, just like the rest of his kind.

Hunter: Careful, pussycat. We Overlanders are full of surprises.

Finitevus: Now now, let's not have any infighting.

Hunter: Right. Hey, didn't I send you to the Egg Grapes?

Finitevus: Let's let bygones be bygones for now.

Hunter: Right. So, if you resurrected us, it must be for a reason.

Finitevus: It is.

Kodos: And that reason would be...?

Finitevus: I am in need of agents.

Black Death: Agents?

Finitevus: Yes, it's quite simple.

Lana: For what purpose?

Finitevus: Conquest.

Black Death: Conquest. Hmmm... (smirks) I like the way you think, doctor.

Finitevus: Yes. It is time we brought a new age to Mobius. A utopia, where there is no more war, death, greed, or corruption.

Lana: Agreed... We're in.

Uma: I refuse.

Finitevus: I'm afraid you don't have a choice.

Finitevus raises his hand. It begins to glow, as do Uma's eyes. Uma feels her mind begin to fog over.

Finitevus lowers his hand.

Finitevus: Well?

Uma: I live to serve.

Black Death: Impressive.

Finitevus: I take it that we will have no more dissent?

Black Death: None from me.

Lana: Nor me.

Hunter: I'm good.

Finitevus: And you, Kodos?

Kodos: Grrrr.... I serve no one. If anything, you should serve me.

Finitevus: Hmmm... Very well. We'll settle this with a duel. If you win, you will lead. If I win, you will serve me.

Kodos's pod opens, and he steps out, a confident smirk on his face.

Kodos: I like the sound of that.

Finitevus snaps his fingers, and a sword appears in his hand, and another appears in Kodos's hand.

Finitevus: Good. Now, en garde!

Kodos charges, sword held high. Finitevus braces himself. Kodos brings his sword down, but Finitevus blocks, then brushes the weapon aside. Kodos swipes at him again, but Finitevus ducks, then holds his own weapon to Kodos' throat. Kodos snarls and pushes the white Echidna back, but Finitevus sidesteps and trips him. He falls to the ground. Kodos gets back up and turns to strike at Finitevus, but he has already jumped into a Warp Ring. Finitevus appears behind the former Warlord and kicks him in the back.

Finitevus: You lose.

Kodos glares, but then bows his head in defeat.

Kodos: So, I am to be your servant? Fine, doctor. I'll play your little game. But be warned. Cross me, and I'll make you wish you'd never been born.

Black Death: He's seemed to have hit you harder than I thought, Kodos.

Hunter: Yeah. Hehehe.

Kodos: Grrr...

Finitevus: Enough. Kodos, I have a task for you.

Kodos: And what would that be?

Finitevus: One of my associates was suppose to assist me in my latest plan to reshape Mobius. Unfortunately, he was captured after he attempted to conquer his home dimension a second time. I want you and Uma to go their and retrieve him.

Kodos: Who is this associate? And what is his home dimension?

Finitevus: His name is Scourge the Hedgehog. As for his home dimension, it is the Anti-Mobius, or Moebius, with an 'e'.

Kodos: And how do you expect me and Uma to get there?

Finitevus takes off one of his Warp Rings and tosses it to Kodos.

Finitevus: With one of those, of course.

He snaps his fingers, and the other pods open. Uma flips out of hers and unsheathes her swords.

Uma: I am ready to serve.

Kodos tosses the Warp Ring, and it opens. He and Uma step inside, and the Ring closes. Finitevus turns to Hunter.

Finitevus: And I have a task for you, as well.

Hunter: Alright then. What is it?

Finitevus: After the Destructix left me, I had to fulfill the plan, myself. Using the Scepter of Anubis, I brought back two powerful individuals from the Otherworld. However, while one of them is in my custody, the other one is somewhere out there. You will be among the ones I will send to find them. Bring her to me, alive.

Hunter: So I am to hunt Mobians alive now? Alright. Besides, catching live prey is more fun.

Finitevus: I'm going to recruit a few others to help our cause. Lana, Black Death, I leave you in charge of the base. See if you can awaken my monster army, and the Gizoids in the armory.

Black Death: I've commanded monsters for years.

Finitevus: Excellent.

Finitevus pulls out another Warp Ring and opens it. He steps inside as the Warp Ring closes.

Meanwhile, in New Mobotropolis....

Sonic and Sally are waking up in each other's arms.

Sally: Mmmm....

Sonic: Morning, beautiful.

Sally: Morning, handsome.

Sonic: How did you sleep?

Sally: Like a baby. How about you?

Sonic: Same.

Sally: Good. That was some adventure last month, huh?

Sonic: Yeah...

Sally: At least it's over.

Sonic: Yeah. And something tells me we won't see Naugus for a long time.

Sally: And all the better for it.

Sonic: Not to mention, Fiona's back with us.

Sally: Indeed. I never thought I'd say this, but she and Tails look adorable together.

Sonic: Yeah.

Sally: And Nicole and Emerl are rather sweet together too.

Sonic: No kidding.

He notices a concerned expression on Sally's face.

Sonic: What's up?

Sally: Nothing. Just thinking about Eggman.

Sonic: You're still worried about Eggman? Come on. This isn't the first time we thought he was gone for good.

Sally: That sounds familiar.

Sonic: I believe you said that yourself.

Sally: Heh. I did, didn't I?

Soon, the two get up from the bed. Sally slips on her boots and vest.

Sonic: Looking good.

Sally: (chuckles) Thanks.

Sonic: You're welcome.

Sally: Come on. Let's get going.

Sonic: Right.

The two link arms, and head out of the room.

Meanwhile, with Tails, Fiona, and Nic...

The trio are eating breakfast together. This morning's breakfast was bacon, sausage, eggs, and pancakes.

Nic: Wow, you're not a bad cook, Tails.

Tails: Thanks. I decided to learn not long ago. Before that, my cooking was probably more harmful than the chemicals in my lab.

Fiona: Well, these pancakes are fantastic.

Tails: Thank you.

Nic: (Rubbing her belly) Mmmm.... you're telling me. And the sausage and eggs aren't too bad either.

Tails: I'm glad you like it, Nic.

Nic: Thanks, kiddo. Say, where are Mr. and Mrs. Prower?

Tails: They're on vacation. Mom's making the most of not needing to be with the council all the time. They wanted a romantic trip together.

Nic: Well, that's nice. I could tell your mother was relieved that the original council was disbanded.

Fiona: Yeah, she looked really relieved.

Tails: It was really stressing her out. But I think the main reason is that she feels responsible for Naugus becoming king.

Fiona: Wait, what?

Tails: She thinks her call for reformation gave Naugus an opening to become the new king.

Nic: Oh... damn.Yeah, that would mess you up real bad.

Fiona: Indeed. I hope she gets better.

Tails: Yeah.

Nic: Yeah. I better go get changed.

Nic gets up and, after putting her plate away, heads for the guest bedroom.

Fiona: Me too...

Fiona heads up into Tails' room, winking at him. Soon, the girls return. Nic is wearing black leather pants, black gloves, black boots, a black jacket, a brown belt, and a blue top. It was the same outfit she wore when Lightning met her at the Casino Zone. Fiona is wearing an orange and white bodysuit, white gloves, and white and orange boots.

Fiona: I missed this look. Besides, the suit's a lot comfier than the outfit Scourge gave me. And it doesn't chafe as much.

Nic: It's a cute look for you, sis.

Fiona: Thanks. That jacket of yours is cool, too.

Nic: Cheers.

Tails blushes when he sees Fiona. She smiles, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Fiona: Hey, Tailsy.

Tails: H-hi.

Fiona chuckles softly as she walks over to him.

Fiona: What do you say we go for a walk?

Tails: Um, sure.

Tails hops out of his seat, and the three head outside.
Eggman has been defeated, and Naugus is imprisoned in the Void. All in all, things are good on Planet Mobius. However, the peace is short-lived, for Dr. Finitevus has begun yet another plot to destroy Mobius, involving two people our heroes thought they would never see again. With the help of allies both old and new, Sonic and friends must find out what Finitevus and his band of resurrected fiends are up to and put a stop to it before it is too late.

Note: I have named the Enchantress Lana, so she can have a name and not be called Enchantress all the time.
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JordanKimba1997's avatar
How old is Tails in this fanfic?